Current and Planned Features

Nov. 13, 2022, 6:55 p.m.

Current Features

  • Booking and paying for online or onsite lessons
  • Rich lesson content: lessons can contain images, links to audio and video, attached documents
  • Initiation of online lesson meeting
  • Lessons in multiple subjects
  • Search for past lessons
  • Email notification of lesson acceptance or rejection
  • Sign up for parent or legal guardian of students under 18 years old

Planned Features

  • Online quiz: teacher can design content-rich multiple choice quizes with student result history.  Good for reinforcing examination content by grade or adhoc quizes based on a specific topic or quizes covering general musical knowledge. Testing of this feature has commenced!  An announcement will be made when it is live.
  • Online Courses: teacher can design content-rich courses with any number of units of work.  Each unit can contain text, images, embedded video and audio.  Once a student has completed a course, they can then take the quiz that reinforces what they learnt on the course.  The initial design is almost complete!
  • Practice tools:
    • In-app metronome
    • In-app chromatic tuner
    • Online Practice Diary
  • Examination Tracking
    • Track student exam results and history - any exam syllabus
  • Extended email notifications:
    • Student notified of all lesson status updates
    • Teacher notified of incoming lesson requests and lesson payments
  • Income and expenses tracking for teachers with reporting

We welcome any suggestions of features that may be of use to students in their music studies and features that would aid the teacher in running their teaching business or help them develop their teaching skills.  You can send any suggestions to Michael

Please note: there is no guarantee that suggested features will be included in a future release but all feature suggestions will be given serious consideration.